‘Budget to be pro-people’


Business Desk :
Finance Minister Abul Hassan Mahmood Ali is set to place TK 8.0 lakh crore national budget for the fiscal year 2024-25 in the parliament on Thursday.

But the finance minister has been facing a challenge of making up the budget deficit as the revenue collection is not growing at desire level.

He told that in his first budget as the finance minister of the current government he will try to make both businesses and the common people happy, reports UNB.


Notwithstanding the assurance, economists, businesses and the common people have concerns over price hike and inflation amid growing government borrowing and the dollar crisis in Bangladesh.

According to sources in the Ministry of Finance, the government will borrow Tk2.57 lakh crore from domestic and foreign sources. An amount of Tk1.57 lakh crore will be borrowed from the domestic sector, including banks. The remaining Tk1.0 lakh crore will be borrowed from foreign sources.

On the other hand, the amount allocated for the payment of interest on foreign loans in the budget of the current fiscal year has been exhausted within 10 months.
