BRTC to extend operational activities


Staff Reporter :
The operational scope of the Bangladesh Road Transport Corporation (BRTC) is set to expand, facilitating the repair of a greater number of inoperative vehicles.

This development was highlighted by Chattogram City Corporation (CCC) Mayor Md Rezaul Karim Chowdhury during a handover ceremony on Tuesday, where he received three drum trucks from BRTC’s Chattogram Truck Depot Manager, Mofiz Uddin.

Mayor Chowdhury emphasized the benefits of this xpansion, stating, “The city dwellers will get more service from BRTC. We hope BRTC-repaired vehicles’ longevity will increase, providing financial benefits.”

Representing BRTC Chairman Tajul Islam, Manager Mofiz Uddin expressed the corporation’s commitment to meeting future demands from CCC.


“We are prepared to offer more services in response to CCC’s needs in the days to come,” he affirmed.

This collaboration between BRTC and CCC is underpinned by an agreement signed on September 19 last year, aimed at repairing CCC’s waste management trucks.

As part of this agreement, BRTC recently delivered three refurbished drum trucks to CCC
