BNP raises alarm over declining foreign currency reserves


Staff Reporter :
Expressing grave concerns, the main opposition party, BNP, has highlighted the alarming decline in Bangladesh’s foreign currency reserves, attributing the crisis to the alleged mismanagement of the Awami League government.

During a discussion meeting at the National Press Club in the capital, BNP Standing Committee Member Nazrul Islam Khan addressed the pressing issue, emphasizing the urgent need for action.

The event, organized by the Bangladesh Labour Party, commemorated the 28th death anniversary of its founder, Maulana Abdul Matin.

Nazrul Islam Khan criticised the government’s approach of relying on loans to bolster reserves, expressing skepticism about the effectiveness of such measures. He questioned the feasibility of increasing reserves amid declining remittances and export earnings, highlighting the need for a more sustainable strategy.

Referring to a report from the Reserve Bank of India, Khan pointed out the substantial volume of remittances sent by Indian workers from Bangladesh, surpassing the total amount sent by Bangladeshi expatriates from multiple countries.


Nazrul Islam Khan, launched a scathing attack on the Awami League government, criticizing its handling of the economy and accusing it of corruption.

Khan expressed concern about the outflow of foreign currency, and said, Bangladesh lost more money than it has gained from remittances sent by overseas workers due to currency exchange rates”

He urged the government to find ways to retain this valuable resource and suggested employing Bangladeshi citizens instead of foreign nationals in certain sectors.

The BNP leader painted a grim picture of the country’s economic situation, stating that his party is deeply disappointed with the current state.