BNP, Jamaat, Hefazat urged to maintain unity


Staff Reporter :

Maulana Mamunul Haque, Secretary General of Bangladesh Khelafat Majlis, on Sunday called for unity among the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami, Hefazat-e-Islam, and other likeminded political groups in their ongoing fight against fascism.

Speaking at a public rally in Thakurgaon organized by the Khelafat Majlis, Haque emphasized the importance of solidarity among these parties.

He mentioned that BNP, Jamaat-e-Islami, Hefazat-e-Islam, Islami Andolan, Khilafat Majlis, LDP, Gono Odhikar Parishad, and Gono-tantra Moncho should avoid internal differences at this critical juncture.

The event, held at Thakurgaon Public Club grounds, was organized to honor the martyrs and injured students of the anti-discrimination movement.

It also served as a platform to protest conspiracies against the nation and demand justice for the fallen autocratic regime.

Haque warned that the struggle against Sheikh Hasina and her allies is far from over.

“The unity that has been formed through the anti-discrimination movement in the fight against fascism must be strengthened,” he urged, addressing both political parties and democratic forces.


He cautioned against complacency, saying, “Sheikh Hasina and her collaborators remain a threat, waiting for an opportunity to strike again. Her supporters within the country are also lying in wait.” Haque called for vigilance to prevent any future attacks from these forces.

The Secretary General accused Sheikh Hasina’s government of exploiting religious minorities for political gain, likening their actions to “a dark serpent striking under the cover of night.

” He criticized the Awami League for manipulating minority communities to further their own agenda, using their plight as a political trump card.

Reaffirming his commitment to a just society, Haque declared, “Our struggle will continue to create a society free of inequality, hunger, and division.”

In a final note, Haque demanded that Sheikh Hasina be held accountable for her actions, accusing her of declaring war on the people and orchestrating the cold-blooded killings of hundreds of students and civilians.

“We will see Hasina brought back to the country and tried for these murders,” he stated confidently.

The rally underscored the ongoing efforts of various opposition groups to maintain their fight against what they view as a fascist regime, with Haque urging all democratic forces to remain united in their pursuit of justice and political reform in Bangladesh.
