BNP factions clash over jhut business in Gazipur


Staff Reporter :

A violent clash erupted between two factions of the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) in Gazipur’s Shreepur area over the jhut (waste fabric) business of a local factory.

The incident, which involved the use of cocktails and gunfire, occurred in front of the SQ Celsius Limited garment factory on the Dhaka-Mymensingh highway, leading to significant disruption of traffic.

According to local police, the confrontation began on the morning of September 25, when Md. Polash, a member of the Gazipur District Youth BNP, attempted to collect jute from the factory. Members of the District Farmer’s League, led by Abul Kalam Azad, opposed him, resulting in a violent clash.

Witnesses reported that approximately 1,000 people were involved in the fight, armed with machetes, sticks, and knives. Multiple cocktails were detonated, and several vehicles were vandalized. The skirmish lasted for over an hour, causing considerable chaos on the highway.


Local hotel owner Anisur Rahman described the scene: “Suddenly, about a thousand people divided into two groups and attacked each other. Everyone was armed, and we were terrified, closing our shops.”

Polash claimed that his group was lawfully engaged in the jute business through a contractor named Chanchal Enterprise. He stated that when they attempted to collect jute from the factory, they were attacked by Azad’s men, who were armed with local weapons and responsible for the explosions.

Abul Kalam Azad denied any involvement, asserting that he was in Dhaka during the incident and had no knowledge of the attackers.

An HR official from SQ Celsius Limited confirmed that Chanchal Enterprise was operating legally and condemned the violence outside the factory.

Shreepur police chief, Joynal Abedin, acknowledged the clash and the reports of gunfire, stating that police had been dispatched to the scene and that the situation was now under control. Additional Superintendent of Police Mirajul Islam emphasized that an investigation into the incident would follow.
