BHBCO wants withdrawal of erroneous textbooks


Staff Reporter :
Bangladesh Hindu-Bouddha-Christian Oikkya Parishad (BHBCO) on Thursday demanded withdrawal of the erroneous textbooks.
The leaders of the organization demanded also a judicial probe to bring the responsible persons into justice.
They said this at a press conference in the Dhaka Reporters’ Unity on Thursday.
General Secretary of the organisation Advocate Rana Dasgupta said, “Contents have been replaced by lots of gender and communal biased stories, essays, poems and articles in the textbooks.”
The new textbooks have excluded a number of stories, essays and poems reflecting traditional culture, patriotism, compassion for animals and human values,” he observed.If this has been done to materialise the agenda of a “vested quarter”, it will jeopardise the age-old Bangla culture, the BHBCOP leader said adding that the country is drifting away from its stance of secularism and non-communalism.
This is reflected in the new textbooks, Rana Das claimed.
“Those who were involved in the implementation of the anti-people curriculum should immediately be brought to book,” the General Secretary said.
