BD users struggle with social media ban


Staff Reporter :

Millions of social media users in Bangladesh are encountering significant disruptions as the government imposes stringent measures against major platforms including Facebook, Messenger, and WhatsApp. The move, aimed at compelling compliance with regulatory demands, has effectively rendered these services inaccessible to the populace.
The Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) has instructed international internet gateway (IIG) operators to block access to these platforms, citing ongoing non-compliance with local laws and policy directives. This directive has left approximately 5.5 crore users without their preferred means of communication and information sharing.
The government has indicated that access to these platforms will only be restored upon satisfactory assurances of compliance from the tech companies.
Internet users across Bangladesh have voiced frustration over the sudden loss of connectivity to essential social media services. “It’s disrupting daily communication and access to information,” lamented a Dhaka resident who preferred to remain anonymous.
