US Ambassador in Dhaka Dan Mozena on Saturday said Bangladesh can become a mighty player in the global IT and in other sectors by dint of hard and creative work by each young entrepreneur in the country.”I believe fervently that Bangladesh can become a mighty player in the global IT world and in other sectors as your startups take root,” he said.The US diplomat made the remark while addressing a prize distribution ceremony of Global Innovation through Science and Technology (GIST)DEMO Day at a city hotel.Mozena said he wants to see a Bangladesh that is the software development capital of the world, driven by Bangladeshis’ extraordinary brain power. “I see Bangladesh growing into the hardware development side of the equation, too. And I see other creative startups flourishing and prospering.”The US envoy also said the vision will become reality and young entrepreneurs are the ones who will build the renaissance of Bangladesh.He said America will remain partner in helping bud Bangladeshi entrepreneurs connect with each other and connect with innovators around the world.