Bangladeshi singers perform in Moscow


UNB, Dhaka :

With the support of the Russian House in Dhaka, Bangladeshi artists Mausumi Akter Shraboni and Md. Alauddin performed in a concert in Gorky Park, Moscow marking the Immortal Regiment march recently.

Traditional songs in modern arrangement quickened interest in the audience and organizers, said the Russian Embassy in Dhaka.

They gave a series of interviews, in particular, to the “Zvezda” TV channel and the “Izvestia” information portal.


During their short stay in the Russian capital, they got around to see the city and meet its inhabitants.

The International Stage of the Immortal Regiment organized the concert for the first time in the Gorky Cultural and Entertainment Center Park.

Musicians from 58 countries took part in the concert programme including Bangladesh, Serbia, India, China, Turkey, Greece, Spain and others.