Bangladesh Chhatra League stands by cyclone victims


Shahariar Islam Sovon :
Bangladesh Chhatra League (BCL) has stood by the cyclone affected people at Mujibnagar union under Kalaparaupazila in Patuakhali district.

On Thursday, BCL leaders and workers led by its central general secretary Sheikh Wali Asif Enan distributed relief goods among the cyclone-affected people.

On May 26, severe cyclone Remal hit the Bangladesh coast.

The concerted efforts of BCL reflect a collective commitment to standing in solidarity with cyclone-affected communities and providing essential support during their time of need.

In response to the devastating impact of Cyclone Remal on coastal communities, the Bangladesh Chhatra League (BCL), the student wing of the Awami League (AL), has undertaken extensive relief efforts to aid those affected by the natural disaster.

Led by BCL General Secretary Sheikh Wali Asif Enan, the relief distribution program has reached out to 1,000 cyclone-victim families in Kalapara and Rangabali Upazila of Patuakhali.

The distribution included essential items such as rice, pulses, edible oil, onions, potatoes, and oral saline, aimed at providing immediate assistance to those in need.

Sheikh Wali personally oversaw the distribution activities in the coastal upazilas, including Mujibnagar Union in Kalapara, emphasizing the organization’s commitment to supporting affected communities during this challenging time.

Highlighting the directives of AL President and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, Sheikh Wali Asif Enan told The New Nation that BCL’s dedication to continuing relief and rehabilitation efforts until further guidance from the leadership.


Furthermore, BCL has been proactive in its approach, conducting awareness campaigns to evacuate people to safe places and cyclone shelter centers prior to the landfall of Cyclone Remal.

Additionally, they distributed dried and cooked foods, oral saline, and water purification tablets to mitigate the impact of the cyclone on vulnerable populations.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina mentioned that the overall development of this southern region was possible only because the Awami League has been in power with peoples mandate.

“Many came to power before us, but they did not take up any development activities for this region,” she said.

She once again said that improving the living standard of the people has been the main aim of the government.

“Natural calamities will come, but we have to face those to reach our goal of maintaining the living standards of the people,” she said. “We are working on this.”

She said that this time the tidal waves were much higher compared with what happened during previous cyclones.
She thanked the people for coming to the cyclone shelters that were built by the government.

Hasina said that the Awami League government is doing whatever is needed for ensuring basic needs of the people.
She said that the government is standing beside the people in this natural calamities as the country is blessed with continued democracy.

“The socioeconomic development is happening in the country as non-stop democracy has been prevailing in the country,” she said.
