Attack on BNP’s programme: Complaint lodged against AL, Jubo League leaders in Natore


UNB, Natore :

A complaint has been lodged at a court in Natore against 279 people including top leaders of the Awami League, Jubo League, and Chhatra League for their alleged involvement in attacking a BNP programme.

Sabur Mahmud, Natore Sadar Upazila Jubo Dal general secretary, lodged the complaint at Natore Sadar Cognisance Court on Tuesday afternoon.

Judge Roshan Alam ordered the Natore Sadar police station to register the complaint as an FIR and inform the court on April 16, said the plaintiff’s lawyer Advocate Abdul Quader.

The charges are vandalizing the stage of the BNP’s sit-in programme on March 31st and April 1st, setting fire, attacking the programme in front of the party office, and injuring the leaders and


The complaint was lodged mentioning names of 29 people including Natore District Awami League Joint General Secretary Mortuza Ali Bablu, Pouro Awami League President Mostak Ali Mukul, District Jubo League General Secretary Ruhul Amin Biplab, District Chhatra League President, General Secretary, and 250 unnamed ones.

However, Officer-in-Charge Nasim Ahmed of the Sadar Police Station said that they have not yet received such court order.

The OC said action will be taken upon receiving the order.

Meanwhile, main accused, District Awami League Joint General Secretary Syed Mottuza Ali Bablu, said that they respect the law and that the matter will be dealt with legally.