Artistes dream of celebrating Masud’s 100th birthday

From left to right: Actress Farzana Chumki, actor Shahed Ali, Deepa Khandakar along with actor Masud Ali Khan (front) in the veteran actor’s residence.

Entertainment Report :

Ekushey Padak recipient living legendary actor and the country’s most senior performer Masud Ali Khan has been ill for several days. In the meantime, he was taken to the hospital twice in a row for treatment.
Now he is spending his time in bed at his house in Green Road of the capital and he is undergoing treatment according to doctor’s advice.
This veteran actor was born on October 6, 1929 in Manikganj.
As such, he is going to complete 95 on October 6 and step into 96.
Actress Farzana Chumki and Shahed Ali-Deepa couple arrived at this veteran actor’s residence on September 25 afternoon to meet the noted artiste and spend some time with him.
After hearing the news of Masud Ali Khan’s illness, they came to his house. Masud Ali Khan’s wife Tahmina Khan Rubi (her earlier name was Tahmina Ahmed) welcomed Chumki, Shahed Ali and Deepa Khandakar.
Suddenly seeing them Masud Ali Khan’s eyes spread a different kind of happiness. All the artistes sat around Masud Ali Khan and chatted with him about his past days.
Actor Shahed Ali wants to know in few words about Masud Ali Khan’s birth, growing up and involvement with acting.
Deepa Khandakar has acted in many dramas with Masud Ali Khan among the artistes present and in each drama Masud Ali played the role of Deepa’s father.
Actress Chumki also got the opportunity to act in several dramas with Masud Ali Khan.
However, actor Shahed Ali Khan worked as an assistant director for four/five dramas in which Masud Ali Khan was in the role.
Maghrib prayer’s time is in the middle of the conversation.
After the prayer, everyone once again participated in the tea circle and got absorbed in the story.
Masud Ali Khan told them, “You have come; I can’t explain how good it feels to see you. I will not say, come always, come sometimes when you have time, I will like it.”
Actor Shahed Ali said, “Masud Bhai you are our most senior artiste. We dream of celebrating your hundredth birthday with you. Inshallah this dream will come true.”
Actress Farzana Chumki shared her feelings by this way, “I really wanted to see Masud Uncle. It feels great to finally see it.”
“I was crying a lot when I said goodbye. I don’t know if we will meet again. But I pray that Allah keeps the uncle healthy,” Deepa Khandakar said.