Artist Mahmudul Haque’s death anniv today


City Desk :
On this day (January 11) of last year, artist Mahmudul Haque (77), an eminent personality of the country’s art world, passed away forever at the United Hospital in the capital due to corona. He was buried in the Rampal village of Bagerhat district.
Mahmudul Haque was born in 1945 in Srifaltala village of Rampal. He received his BFA degree from the then Government Arts and Crafts College (now Faculty of Fine Arts, Dhaka University) in 1948 and later his MFA degree from the University of Tsukuba, Japan. In addition, he received two years of advanced training in printmaking from Japan.
Mahmudul Haque started his career as a teacher at Dhaka University Fine Arts Institute in 1969.
He retired in 2010. He served as the Director of the Fine Arts Institute along with the Head of the Department of Prints and later as the Director General of the National Museum.
On the occasion a function will be celebrated today in Srifaltala village home in Rampals with Quran Khatam, prayer programme and Mahmudul Haque’s dream institution ‘Our Village’ health service center and project commemoration meeting and distribution of food among the needy.
His wife Shikha Mahmud and son Saadat Ibn Mahmud have requested all to pray for the salvation of the departed soul.