Araihazar UZ chairman candidate alleges misconduct by whip Nazrul


Staff Reporter :
Md. Shajalal Mia, a candidate for the chairman position of Araihazar Upazila Parishad in Narayangong, has leveled serious allegations against Md. Nazrul Islam Babu, Member of Parliament (MP) for Narayangong-2 constituency and also the ruling party Whip in parliament. Mia accuses Babu of actively supporting another chairman candidate, Saiful Islam, and breaching electoral code of conduct.

Mia has urged the Election Commission (EC) to intervene, calling for action to invalidate Babu’s nominated and supported chairman candidate, citing his alleged violations of the electoral code of conduct.

According to Mia, Babu has been intimidating his supporters and agents, warning them of potential consequences if they choose to support Mia’s candidacy. Mia further alleges that Babu and his supported candidate, Saiful, have resorted to defamatory language and slander against him.


In addition, Mia claims that Babu has openly declared his intention to spend whatever amount necessary to ensure Saiful’s victory, even going as far as to assert control over law enforcement agencies and electoral administration.

Mia, a former chairman of the Upazila Parishad for two terms, expressed concerns over the fairness and neutrality of the upcoming Araihazar Upazila Parishad election, scheduled for May 21st (second phase).

The accusations made by Mia against Babu underscore the intense political atmosphere surrounding the upcoming elections, raising questions about the integrity of the electoral process and the role of influential figures in influencing electoral outcomes.
