Aparajita Network holds experience exchange meet in Rangpur


Sr. Staff Reporter, Rangpur :

An experience exchange meeting of Aparajita Network was held in Rangpur with representatives of various organizations providing services at the district level.

Former MP Aparajita District Network President ShahidarRahmanJosna presided over an experience exchange meeting organized by District Aparajita Network at a hotel in Rangpur city on Wednesday afternoon to ensure government service with officials of government service institutions.


RangpurZillaParishad Member Ms. AfrozaKhatun, District Livestock Officer Doctor EnamulHaque, Youth Development Directorate Government Director AbdurRauf Shah, Upazila Social Service Officer MosaddekurRahman, Women Affairs Directorate Program Officer MosaHabibaHollen, Family Planning Assistant Director were present. ShihabUddin Sheikh, Rangpur Chamber of Commerce Industry Member Parth Bose etc.

The speakers said that the government is working to increase the empowerment of women.

It is possible to change the wheel of fortune with various trainings from the Department of Family Planning, Animal Resources and Youth Development. For this, the Directorate of Family Planning, Animal Resources and Youth Development is working.
