Book Review: Andhar kete Alo (From Darkness to Light) by Fazlul Quadir.

Publisher : Tauhidur Rahman, Bangla Shahitya Parishad, Dhaka. Fourth Publication : February 2015 (1st Publication : I.F.B., June 1982). Cover : A. Tasnim Rahman (Illustrations : Hashem Khan, Zahid Hasan Benu and Nurun Nahar) Printer : New Panama Printing Press, Dhaka. Distributor : Pial Printing and Publications, Tejgaon, Dhaka. Size : DD 1/16. Paper : Whiteprint. Price : Tk. 100.00
Fazlul Quadir Mohammad Azizul Islam with pen-name Fazlul Quadir. His father, late Kasir Uddin Ahmad, a British Indian Inspector of Assam Bengal Railway was a dramatist, poet and cultural personality. So, Fazlul Kadir has paternal legacy in literature. His first book ‘Andhar Kete Alo’, a juvenile fiction was first published in 1982 which has gone through four editions till Ekushey Boi Mela 2015 for its popularity. The book, as named by renowned novelist Shahed Ali, hints to a change ‘From Darkness to Light.’
Unfortunately, our society has undergone a downward trend in moral stand. Human values are being neglected and ignored and inhuman propensities are nourished by many, thus creating an environment of moral bankruptcy. In this background, Fazlul Quadir has created the character ‘Nuru bhai’, who at last rectified his conduct and character, changed himself and started a new life of honest and good activities, leaving the past life of lie, deception and betrayal. He had intelligence, knowledge, intellect. He had superiority complex and always tried to give an air of his superiority to anyone. He used to tell a lie and cheated others in justifying his so-called superiority.
The writer, with his attractive unique-type presentation of the story, his lucid language and ornamental description has very nicely depicted the character, and thus can draw the attraction of the readers from the beginning to the end. Nuru bhai had some inherent good qualities which through his self-realisation and nourishing at last could mould his character and present him as a good one, a responsible member of the society.
Our new generation, with the present unsocial environment has some derailed young ones, who have to get rid of this degradation. They should realise and try to be ideal citizens of Bangladesh as Nuru bhai realised and rectified him.
We expect wide circulation of this book, which, we hope, will throw light on the heart of the youth who are going astray. The book will show the path for their self rectification to be good citizens to contribute for social and national welfare.
-Reviewed by Abdul Muqit Chowdhury