Alomgir’s Another Axis

Sheikh Arif Bulbon :
The solo art exhibition of artist Md Alomgir Hossain titled Another Axis is going on at La Galerie of the Alliance Française de Dhaka (AFD) in the city’s Dhanmondi area
at present.
The exhibition was inaugurated by Prof Dr Syed Monzoorul Islam
as the chief guest. Artist and architect Mustapha Khalid Palash was also present on the occasion.
Artist Alomgir Hossain is quite interested in the common feelings and situations that every human goes through from birth. Childhood, for instance, is a common period in a human’s life, but as time passes by childhood looks more and more like a beautiful game – taking positions, making targets, playing, fighting, winning, losing, and repeat.
The artist postulates that the body is the only home that a human
really has and this is also the most expressive tool at his/her expense.
Hossain states, “Even when we don’t use it, like when we are
sleeping or just sitting and
thinking, we always imagine
ourselves in our bodies. I use it as a symbol of my human presence.
I try to dig into the universal soul to find salvation and compose
artworks with pixels and elements that do not actually exist.”
The artist has employed computer-generated visual media, ranging from animation to digital sculpture, for this exhibition. By combining the elements of the natural world with
a digital environment, he seeks to bridge the gap between “the new machines that characterize the
modern age and the natural machine i.e., human.”
The exhibition will continue
till August 1. n