AL launches anti-graft drive


Abu Jakir :
In a decisive move to restore its image and reaffirm its commitment to good governance, the ruling Awami League and its government have announced a comprehensive anti-corruption drive targeting both the party and the administration.

However, several leaders holding central positions in the Awami League and responsible grassroots members have expressed doubts about the success of the ongoing anti-corruption campaign, despite the ambitious plans.

They cited numerous past initiatives over the last 15 years that have remained incomplete. Prolonged power has led to the creation of several ‘pressure groups’ within the party.

The tug of war continues inside the party as many senior party leaders believe that the ruling party will be successful in wiping out corruption from the party and administration.

These leaders have underscored the necessity of preserving the government’s developmental achievements and clean image.

They acknowledged previous difficulties in curbing corruption but emphasised that Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is now determined to tackle the issue head-on, irrespective of potential opposition.

The initiative of the anti-corruption drive comes amid widespread discussions regarding the illicit wealth of former police inspector general Benazir Ahmed and current officials of the National Board of Revenue (NBR).

Prime Minister Hasina has taken a firm stance, vowing to expose all illegally obtained assets and implement measures not only against bureaucrats and law enforcement personnel but also against politicians involved in corruption.

Some mid-ranking leaders of the ruling party have demanded that any party leaders and MPs involved in corruption be expelled from all party positions to restore the party’s image.

Party sources revealed that in the initial phase, actions will be taken against at least 40 to 50 corrupt individuals within the next six months.

While efforts to identify these individuals are ongoing, their identities remain undisclosed. The anti-corruption drive is expected to continue throughout the government’s tenure, with an even stricter stance anticipated next year.


The Prime Minister aims to eradicate corruption from both the government and the party. According to multiple sources within the government and the party, the recent revelations about the corruption of former IGP Benazir Ahmed, NBR member Matiur Rahman, and NBR’s first secretary (tax) Kazi Abu Mahmud Faisal are part of this broader anti-corruption campaign.

“Our party chief and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina believe that the tradition of sacrifice and idealistic politics of the Awami League is being tarnished by some corrupt politicians.

This has reached an unbearable level and must be stopped immediately,” stated AL Joint General Secretary Mahbubul Alam Hanif.

Hanif clarified that the government has not decided to identify and act against all corrupt individuals in a day, week, or month, as such a move could destabilise the government.

Instead, the anti-corruption campaign will be conducted in phases throughout the government’s term.

Organising Secretary Sujit Roy Nandi noted that reducing corruption to a tolerable level is a top priority for Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in her current term.

He highlighted that Sheikh Hasina has consistently followed a zero-tolerance policy against corruption, although it has occasionally been disrupted. This term, the Prime Minister has recognised that fighting corruption is now a public demand.

A member of the party’s central committee explained that these pressure groups obstruct beneficial actions for the party and complicate efforts to enhance the government’s image.

A member of the party’s praesidium claimed that the greatest strength of these ‘pressure groups’ is money, which they have accumulated through both legal and illegal means, allowing them to entrench themselves in the party and government.

Top Awami League leaders are concerned that pervasive corruption could threaten the party’s very existence. The Prime Minister fears that corruption might overshadow all her achievements as her tenure ends.

Therefore, she has taken a tough stance to rein in corruption once again. This time, along with identifying corrupt officials and leaders within the government and the party, Awami League President Sheikh Hasina has decided to take action against them.
