AKM Shafiqur Rahman, Managing Director of National Bank Limited inaugurating the 175th branch of the bank at Baluchar in Munshiganj on Thursday. After, a discussion meeting presided over by Shamsul Huda Khan, Deputy Managing Director of the bank held on the occasion.

AKM Shafiqur Rahman, Managing Director of National Bank Limited inaugurating the 175th branch of the bank at Baluchar in Munshiganj on Thursday. After, a discussion meeting presided over by Shamsul Huda Khan, Deputy Managing Director of the bank held on t
AKM Shafiqur Rahman, Managing Director of National Bank Limited inaugurating the 175th branch of the bank at Baluchar in Munshiganj on Thursday. After, a discussion meeting presided over by Shamsul Huda Khan, Deputy Managing Director of the bank held on t
