Activists call for int’l action to preserve haor


City Desk :
Speakers have urged for international action to stop the silting of the Jadukata River and Tanguar Haor, caused by uncontrolled mining in Meghalaya, India The speakers discussed these issues during a public meeting on Friday in Sunamganj, reports media.

The program titled “Demand for the Protection of Haor, Rivers, and Agricultural Land” was organized jointly by DhoritriRokkhay Amra (Dhora) and the Badaghat and Bardal Uttar Union Parishads.

Chairperson of Dhora Advisory Committee Sultanah Kamal was present as the chief guest, Badaghat Union Parishad Chairman Md Nizam Uddin presided over the meeting. Dhora’s Coordination Committee Member Secretary and Waterkeepers Bangladesh Coordinator Sharif Jamil attended the meeting as the main speaker.

Sultanah Kamal said: “Humans are the finest of creations, and this title comes with responsibilities. We, as the country’s owners, must protect our rivers, haors, and agricultural lands. Hostility towards nature leads to crises, so we all must act to preserve our existence.”


Sharif Jamil said: “Since 2008, each monsoon brings heavy torrents of sand and stones to this region, inundating haors, rivers, and farmlands and causing a humanitarian crisis.

We urgently need to halt the unregulated extraction of sand and stones and restore these water bodies and lands.

Prompt international measures are essential to stop the silting of Jadukata River and Tanguar Haor, caused by uncontrolled mining in Meghalaya, India.”

Before the start of the public meeting, a visit to Tanguar Haor was conducted by representatives of Dhora.
