
Staff Reporter :

The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) has issued notices seeking the submission of asset statements from former Inspector General of Police (IGP) Benazir Ahmed, former NBR official Matiur Rahman, and their respective families.

ACC Secretary Khorsheda Yasmeen made the announcement during a press briefing at the commission headquarters on Tuesday.

She stated that the notices aim to determine whether these families possess additional assets beyond those already seized.

On June 30, the ACC issued notices to the National Board of Revenue (NBR), Bangladesh Financial Intelligence Unit (BFIU), Directorate of Registration, Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC), Bangladesh Road Transport Authority (BRTA), and the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms (RJSC), requesting wealth statements of Matiur Rahman and his family.


The ACC’s preliminary investigation revealed that Benazir Ahmed, his wife Zeeshan Mirza, and their two daughters possess assets exceeding their known sources of income.

There is also information suggesting additional assets in their names both domestically and abroad, some held anonymously. Consequently, the ACC has issued separate notices for the submission of asset statements.

On June 24, despite being given a second opportunity to appear before the ACC, Zeeshan Mirza and her two daughters did not show up for questioning. Benazir Ahmed also failed to appear before the ACC on June 23. Following this, the ACC secretary stated that the commission would now pursue further legal action against the former police chief.

Additionally, ACC Secretary Khorsheda Yasmeen disclosed that notices have been issued to submit the wealth information of ex-NBR official Matiur Rahman, his first wife and Narsinghdi Raypura Upazila chairman Layla Kaniz, their son Ahamed Towfiqur Rahman (Arnab), daughter Farzana Rahman (Isphita), and his second wife Shammi Akter (Shibli).
