The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) on Tuesday filed a case against seven employees of Rural Development Board (RDA) including its former director general MA Matin for embezzling around Tk two crore.
ACC Assistant director Aminul Islam of Bogra filed the case with Sherpur Police Station accusing RDA director (retired) Mahmud Hossain Khan, director (Project Planning and Inspection) Nazrul Islam Khan, deputy project director (implementation) of Palli Janapad Project Abid Hossain Mridha, and assistant deputy director of Palli Janapad Project Sheikh Shahriar Mohammad, assistant director (Infrastructure) and assistant project director of Palli Janapad Arif Hossain Jewel and an account of the same project Runia Yeasmin.
According to FIR,the accused officials embezzled around TK 2,05,06,992.