Saudi decision on sea voyage for Hajj pilgrims hailed


Chattogram Bureau :

Hajj & Omra Minister of Saudi Arabia primarily consented to the proposal of the Religious Affairs Adviser of Bangladesh’s Interim Govt over sea voyage for the Hajj pilgrims from Bangladesh. For this, Hajj Jatri Kayllan Parishad felicitated the Interim Govt of Bangladesh and the Saudi govt. President of the HJKP Ahmadul Islam Chowdhury and the Secretary General Principal Dr.Abdul Karim in a joint statement said it is a good news for the intending Hajj pilgrims to send pilgrims to Makkah through steamer service which was the long felt demand of the pilgrims of Bangladesh.
HJKP again and again persued the govt on this matter since long. Mentionable that sea voyage for pilgrims from Sudan and Egypt to Saudia are existing . So, there are no obstacles for sea voyage from Chattogram to Jeddah seaport. Further, HJKP requested the Interim Govt of Bangladesh to take necessary measures to send pilgrims by sea from now.
They also urge the govt to renovate the existing Pahartali Haji camp on priority basis and to hire out internationally standard passenger ships from abroad, sources said.