AL leaders cross border with BNP activists’ help


Staff Reporter :

Comilla BNP Convener Udratul Bari Abu has been accused of facilitating the escape of Awami League leaders to India through the Comilla border in exchange for large sums of money.

It is alleged that Abu not only helped local Awami League leaders from Comilla but also prominent leaders from neighboring districts like Feni, Lakshmipur, and Narayanganj.

According to reports, billions of taka were exchanged for these safe exits.

Locals claim that Abu had a special relationship with Comilla’s former mayor, Tahsin Baha Suchana. During Suchana’s tenure as mayor, Abu reportedly controlled tenders and contracts in the city.

After the political change on August 5, Abu allegedly took advantage of this connection to help Suchana cross the border, collecting Tk 10 crore in cash.

Additionally, an agreement was made allowing Abu to manage ongoing tenders and incomplete contracts of the City Corporation.

Furthermore, a well-known Awami League leader from Narayanganj, along with his family, was also reportedly aided by Abu in fleeing to India. In return, Abu received Tk 25 crore in cash.

Similar arrangements were allegedly made for a controversial MP from Feni and several Jubo League and Awami League leaders from Lakshmipur, who paid crores of taka to secure their passage.


Some members of the BNP in Comilla city have complained that after the fall of the Awami League government on August 5, Abu visited the homes of Awami League leaders, collecting cash, checks, and business shares, while also taking control of their operations.

In addition to facilitating escapes, Abu allegedly extorted large sums of money from Awami League, Jubo League, and Chhatra League members, promising to protect them from legal cases and police harassment.

Those who were unable to pay in cash reportedly handed over gold as payment.

Since the political shift, Abu and his followers have reportedly taken over various public spaces in Comilla, including bus stands, baby stands, railway stations, and even local government offices.

Abu’s associates have also occupied commercial areas like Shahinagacha, Jangalia, and Padua Bazaar.

His influence reportedly extends to the regional passport office, where 100 passports are allegedly allotted to him daily, and to the LGED and Roads and Township departments, which now supposedly operate under his directives.

A BNP leader from Comilla, speaking on condition of anonymity, said that since the fall of Sheikh Hasina’s government, Abu has become more aggressive and disregards everyone.

He has allegedly been collecting money in exchange for securing safe passage to India for several high-profile Awami League leaders and their families.

Repeated attempts to contact Udratul Bari Abu for comment via his mobile and WhatsApp numbers were unsuccessful.