BAUET holds 25th academic council meeting


Baraigram (Natore) Correspondent :

The 25th academic council meeting of Bangladesh Army University of Engineering and Technology (BAUET) in Kadirabad cantonment area of Natore was held on last Wednesday. Brigadier General Md. Mijanuzzaman, Vice-Chancellor of the University presided over the meeting organized in the syndicate room.
The meeting was attended by University Treasurer Col. Md. Shaukat Hussain PSC (Retd.), member nominated by the Board of Trustees Deputy Commandant of Qadirabad Cantonment Col. Md. Sohail Ahmed PSC, Acting GSO-2 (Education) Major AS M Ekramul Haque, the Syndicate nominated Member-RUET’s ME department head Professor Md Rabiul Islam Sarkar, Dean of the Faculty of Science and Humanities Professor Dr Md. Sajjad Hossain, Dean of the Faculty of Law Professor Dr Md Shahidul Islam, Member-Secretary Registrar Lt Col KFA Sohail (retd) and other members.
