Filing of false cases must be stopped


THE recent surge in dubious murder cases, reported by an English newspaper, is a deeply concerning development that raises serious questions about the state of our justice system.

The alarming trend of false accusations and legal harassment, often motivated by political agendas, is a stark reminder of the enduring shadow of authoritarianism that continued to plague our society for last 15 years during Hasina regime.

The interim government’s directive to police to remove the names of individuals without evidence is a step in the right direction, but it is not enough.

To restore public trust and ensure the integrity of our legal system, more comprehensive and decisive measures are urgently needed.

It is imperative to strengthen the mechanisms for investigating and prosecuting false cases.

Independent oversight bodies should be established to monitor police investigations and ensure that they are conducted impartially and thoroughly.

These bodies should have the authority to recommend disciplinary action against officers who engage in misconduct.

The government should implement stricter guidelines for the registration of cases. Police officers must be held accountable for registering false or frivolous complaints.

A system of penalties, including demotions and dismissals, should be in place to deter such actions.


Furthermore, legal aid should be made readily available to individuals who are wrongfully accused, ensuring that they have access to adequate representation and defense.

Besides, it is essential to promote a culture of accountability within the judiciary.

Judges should be subject to rigorous scrutiny and evaluation, and those who are found to have acted improperly or corruptly should face consequences.

Transparency and public access to judicial proceedings are also crucial for maintaining public trust.

We urge the government to urgently address the underlying political factors that contribute to the misuse of the legal system.

Efforts should be made to foster a more inclusive and democratic political environment where dissent and opposition are tolerated.

Political leaders should refrain from using the legal system as a tool for personal gain or to silence their opponents.

We strictly express our concern against such alarming trend of false cases and legal harassment, which are indeed a serious threat to the integrity of our justice system.

By taking decisive action to strengthen investigative mechanisms, improve the registration of cases, ensure judicial accountability, and address underlying political factors, we can restore public trust and ensure that our legal system is a true instrument of justice for all.
