Forum for Economic Justice holds a press conference chaired by the forum’s convener Farrukh Khosru, with speeches delivered by member secretary Md. Selim Reza, joint convener Md. Noor Alam, Dr.Forkan Uddin Ahmed, Tapan Kumar Nath, Barrister Sulaiman Tushar, Mushrikul Islam Shimul and Ashraful Islam Ashu, among others held in the Sagar-Runi Hall of the Dhaka Reporters Unity on Saturday.

Forum for Economic Justice holds a press conference chaired by the forum's convener Farrukh Khosru, with speeches delivered by member secretary Md. Selim Reza, joint convener Md. Noor Alam, Dr.Forkan Uddin Ahmed, Tapan Kumar Nath, Barrister Sulaiman Tushar, Mushrikul Islam Shimul and Ashraful Islam Ashu, among others held in the Sagar-Runi Hall of the Dhaka Reporters Unity on Saturday.