bKash brings convenience for NGO savings, loan instalment payments


Business Report :

bKash has brought convenience to customers by enabling them to pay microfinance loans and savings instalments anytime, anywhere. The fast, easy and safe payment option relieves customers from the hassle of visiting a branch, counter or meeting business hours.

Now, over 2 million customers of the country’s top 32 NGOs get the opportunity to easily make instalment payments through bKash’s microfinance payment service.


Moreover, customers can enjoy a cashback of Tk20 on their first instalment payment through bKash.
They can avail of this offer only once during the campaign period till 31 October 2024.

Customers of Bangladesh’s top 32 NGOs, including BRAC, BURO Bangladesh, UDDIPAN, Shakti Foundation, Padakhep, Society for Social Service (SSS), CDIP, are now receiving instant digital passbooks and receipts upon making instalment payments through bKash.
These digital documents provide customers with real-time updates on their transactions.
