DU students stage demo


DU Correspondent :

A section of Dhaka University (DU) students staged a demonstration demanding trial of former university administration including Vice Chancellor prof ASM Maksud Kamal for their controversial role and charge of failing to protect the students in the recent quota reform movement.

The students organized the protest at the anti-terrorist Raju Memorial Scripture on Tuesday while they expressed that the ex-vc Maksud Kamal-led administration unleashed law enforcement on the students which hurt hundreds of students and thereby they should be faced trial.

Stating demands to the new administration that the ex-administration should not return to the administrative body in any way, Abid Hasan Rafi, a student of the university, said, “At one stage of the protest, on July 15, when the Chhatra League entered the campus with native weapons and attacked the agitating ordinary students including female students, we saw the shameless university administration in a silent role.”


Meftahul Maruf, a student of the Political Science Department, said that the Maksud Kamal administration and its accomplices presented a scandalous event in history on July 17. Even after this shameless chapter,we still do not see any visible action against them. It’s a shame for us.

However, during the clashes centering the quota reform movement on 17 July, the DUsyndicate closed the campus indefinitely and asked the students to leave the hall by 6 pm. After that, thelaw enforcement forces including police and RAB attacked the students’rallies andalso threw sound grenades, fired tear gas and rubber bullets not only on the campus butalso inside the Hall including the girl’s hall.

Earlier on 15 July, the Bangladesh Chattra League (BCL) carried out a deadly attack on the protesting students while the DU admin relinquished from taking any action against BCL or trying to control the situation.
