Saidpur Airport to be developed as regional aviation hub


Saidpur (Nilphamari) Correspondent :

Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) Chairman Air vice Marshal Manzoor Kabir Bhuiyaan said, Saidpur Airport in Nilphamari is one of the busiest Airports in the country.
The stalled work of regional aviation hub and internationalization has resumed. Meanwhile, the airport development master plan has been sent to the Ministry of Finance. He said this while interacting with reporters at the VIP lounge after inspecting the ongoing development work of the airport on Thursday afternoon.
Chairman said that the student’s movement has given the opportunity to build the country. Accordingly, we are moving the country forward by working with all the officers and employees.
He also said that the Saidpur Airport will be made a regional hub. Bhutan, Nepal and Indian Airlines will get the opportunity to use this airport. According to the master plan, a new runway will be constructed next to the existing runway. The land acquisition process for this will be started soon.
He also said that Saidpur Airport is being expanded to make it a dynamic Airport. Many hurdles can come up while acquiring land which will be solved together.
Air vice Marshal, Manzoor Kabir Bhuiyan said that cargo air movement is being undertaken to transport goods from Saidpur Airport and for this steps are going to taketo build infrastructure. Earlier, Chairman exchanged views with all levels officials and employees of Saidpur Airport.
