JnU students slam Indian aggression


Md Abdur Rakib, JnU :

Students of Jagannath University arranged a protest rally to stop ongoing killing at Bangladesh margin area and the cancellation of what they termed as “submissive” foreign policies with India.

The rally, held on Tuesday afternoon under the banner of Jagannath University Students’ Forum, voiced strong opposition to ongoing issues between the two nations.

In the protest, students demand justice for every individual killed at the border, urging the government to make a list of victims and offer necessary support to their families.

They also demanded that future agreements with India be made on equal terms, rejecting any form of subservience or compliance.

The protesters emphasized that they have no hostility towards the general Indian population, but urged Indian citizens to reconsider their foreign policies towards Bangladesh.

Faisal Murad, a student from the Department of Management Studies, stated, “India has installed an oppressive government in our country to impose unequal agreements. India has exploited us, while our government has kept us in the dark.


Thousands of people, not just a few, have been killed at the border, and the news of these atrocities never reached us due to government restrictions.”

He added, “The Chittagong Hill Tracts is a vulnerable region for us, and India should not be allowed to construct roads in such areas.

This agreement must be revoked. India has built three dams on the Teesta River, depriving us of our rightful share of water.

We demand fair access to water under international law, and all unfair agreements with India should be reviewed.”

Subhan shourov, a student from English dept. said, “BSF men are continuously killing our brothers and sisters in margin area getting immense concerns for our Bangladeshi people though we are echoing patient, However, people of Bangladesh condemn these shaming killing and also want proper judicial measurement.”

Many students from various departments were present there to show condemnation included Khadijatul Kubra, Ivan Tahseeb, Mezbaul Haq, Subhan shourov, BM Tanzil among others .
