Dr. Yunus directs swift action on nat’l reforms


Staff Reporter :

The Chief Adviser to the Interim Government, Dr. Muhammad Yunus, has instructed all government secretaries to adopt and implement reform programs across all levels of the administration in a bid to root out corruption.

In addition to pushing for the adoption of these reforms, Dr. Yunus has issued a “marching order” to ensure their timely execution.

Dr. Yunus provided these directives during a crucial meeting held on Wednesday with nearly all secretaries present. The meeting took place at the Chief Advisor’s Office in Tejgaon, Dhaka.

This is the first secretary-level meeting since the interim government assumed power on August 8, following the fall of the Awami League government on August 5, driven by a mass student and public uprising.

Prior to this meeting, Dr. Yunus had held discussions with the secretaries of the ministries and divisions under his direct supervision. In yesterday’s meeting, the Chief Advisor’s press wing released a brief outlining Dr. Yunus’s instructions, which highlighted the importance of consultation and gathering input from relevant stakeholders in formulating the reform programs.


Dr. Yunus urged each ministry and department to submit time-bound action plans for short-term, medium-term, and long-term reforms, stressing that these plans must be creative and citizen-friendly.

He emphasized the importance of regularly evaluating and monitoring the progress of these reform initiatives.

Addressing the secretaries, Dr. Yunus encouraged them to break away from conventional thinking and adopt a mindset of creativity, prioritising the public interest in all government activities.

He reiterated the necessity of eradicating corruption to streamline public services and maximize citizen satisfaction. Dr. Yunus also underscored the need for ensuring the optimal use of public funds, fostering genuine competition in government procurement, and eliminating existing obstacles to transparency and accountability.

Reflecting on the recent student-led uprising that led to the fall of the previous government, Dr. Yunus noted the public’s strong desire for an equitable and humane nation. He urged all government officials to harness this momentum and work with integrity, dedication, and accountability to build a new Bangladesh.

The Chief Advisor also pointed out the global interest and positive perception that the new Bangladesh has generated following the student uprising. He stressed the importance of leveraging this newfound international goodwill for the country’s benefit.