A devastating breach in the Manu River embankment in Kulaura upazila has left thousands of residents in the region facing widespread flooding and significant property damage.
The collapse of the embankment, triggered by persistent rainfall and water flow from across the border, has submerged over 35 villages and caused severe damage to crop fields, houses, and roads.
The breach, which occurred on August 20, has sparked outrage among local residents who accuse the Bangladesh Water Development Board of using substandard materials in the construction of the embankment.
Despite the challenges, the community has responded with remarkable resilience, coming together to repair the damaged embankment themselves.
Hundreds of local residents, students, and social organizations have joined forces to rebuild the embankment, filling sacks with soil and stacking them to reinforce the weakened structure. The initiative, led by local youth, has become a community-wide effort, with men, women, and children working tirelessly to protect their homes and livelihoods.
The Manu River’s breach has devastated our community, but we’re not waiting for government aid. We’ve taken matters into our own hands. Local leaders and activists have admired the community’s spirit and determination.
Dr Monirul Islam Sohag, a social activist, has contributed Tk 1 lakh to support the repair efforts and called for stronger embankments to prevent future disasters.
As the community in Moulvibazar continues to grapple with the devastating effects of the Manu River embankment breach, we urge individuals and organizations to come together and support their recovery efforts.
Donate to local relief funds, volunteer your time to assist with repairs, or advocate for improved infrastructure to prevent future disasters. By working together, we can help these affected communities rebuild their lives and ensure their safety and well-being.
Besides, the workers of the Water Development Board and the contractor must be investigated and if any misappropriation is found the guilty must be punished.