End of kleptocracy: Hasina flees country

Protesters stream into Ganabhaban in the capital on Monday and take away her articles as booties as Dhaka descended into chaos after the fall of Sheikh Hasina from grace. She resigned as prime minister and fled the country.

Al Mamun Harun Ur Rashid :

Bangladesh has marked what many are calling its second liberation with the dramatic fall of Sheikh Hasina, who had ruled the country with a tyrannical grip for 15 years. Her administration, which long disregarded the voices of ordinary citizens and ruthlessly suppressed dissent, came to an end on Monday with the occupation of her official residence, Ganabhaban.
The historic events of August 5, 2024, witnessed a tidal wave of protesters from all walks of life flooding into Ganabhaban, symbolically reclaiming power for the people. The massive crowd, which surged through the gates of the Prime Minister’s residence, wrote this date into the annals of history as a day of triumph for the populace.
In the hours leading up to the storming of Ganabhaban, Sheikh Hasina and her sister, Sheikh Rehena, made a discreet exit from the compound at approximately 2:30pm. They were evacuated via military helicopter, which headed to Delhi, India, in an effort to escape the mounting public outrage.
The fall of Sheikh Hasina was precipitated by relentless student protests demanding reforms to the quota system for government jobs. Despite the students’ just demands, Hasina’s administration rejected their pleas, leading to escalating violence.
Since July 17, students under the banner of the Anti-Discrimination Student Movement had maintained their protest, which tragically resulted in the deaths of over three hundred individuals, including students, children, and ordinary citizens, at the hands of law enforcement.
The nation united in opposition to Sheikh Hasina’s brutal crackdown, which sought
to quell the mass movement with violent force. The government, in a final desperate measure, mobilised Awami League leaders and workers to confront the protesters, resulting in widespread violence across the country. This clash claimed over a hundred lives and left several thousand injured.
As the situation reached a crisis point, the people of Bangladesh succeeded in ousting a leader whose iron-fisted rule had become synonymous with oppression and disregard for democratic principles. The storming of Ganabhaban stands as a testament to the power of popular resistance and the enduring spirit of the Bangladeshi people.
Ultimately August 5 was the last day of Sheikh Hasina as the student movement announced ‘March to Dhaka’. Since morning students and mass people were marching towards Dhaka through all directions without any resistance.
The Central Shaheed Minar and Shahbag were teeming with people with slogans and flags in hands and voicing for the step down of the government. Finally Sheikh Hasina was flushed out from the land of Bangladesh through a revolution of people, ending the chapter of tyranny.
As the news of fleeing of the Sheikh Hasina, the entire country including the major cities and the capital had begun to outburst with jubilation of general people, who were coming out their houses and exchanging joys and happiness and even distributing sweetmeats.
The exuberant people were waving the national flag and were marching the streets and gathering at the National Parliament and the Ganabhaban . People were chanting slogans – “one, two, three , four; fall of a dictator,” “Sheikh Hasina fled, Sheikh Hasina fled.”
While celebrating, people were saying that they want to build a new Bangladesh free of dictatorship, oppression, end of cleptocracy and the establishment of democracy.
However, with the fall of Sheikh Hasina, the streets were without any law enforcers especially the police, and RAB and a sense of insecurity was also prevailing amid the widespread effusion of joys.
People were distributing sweetmeats in celebration while some were seen proffering roses to the army personnel. They said that Bangladesh is free now.
Meanwhile, in a televised address, Army Chief Gen Waker-uz-Zaman announced that Sheikh Hasina has resigned and an interim government would be formed soon.