TIB demands punishment for HR violations

TIB demands punishment for HR violations


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Staff Reporter
Transparency International Bangladesh (TIB) has issued an 11-point demand, including ensuring exemplary punishment for those responsible for brutal repression, killings, and human rights violations against students involved in the quota reform movement.

TIB stated that state structures must be overhauled to ensure human rights, justice, and good governance. This demand was raised during a human chain organised by TIB in front of its office at Midas Centre in the capital on Sunday.

Staff members and volunteer groups associated with TIB also held simultaneous human chains in Dhaka and 45 locations across the country.Dr Iftekharuzzaman, the Executive Director of TIB, commented that the entirely peaceful, non-violent, and apolitical anti-discrimination student movement has been subjected to imposed violence.

This has led to an unprecedentedly tragic loss of hundreds of lives and a reign of terror over the past two weeks.”This has been characterised by a series of cruel killings through the unlawful use of lethal weapons and the disproportionate use of force by law enforcement agencies.

There have been arbitrary filings of cases, indiscriminate attacks, mass arrests through block raids, illegal remands, detainments, and torture in detention by the Detective Branch (DB) under the pretence of providing security.


Additionally, there have been unjust warrants, online and offline threats, and systematic violations of constitutionally guaranteed human rights, including freedom of speech, the right to protest, and freedom of association,” he stated.

Dr Iftekharuzzaman continued, “False narratives and fabrications have been used to legitimise these illegal activities, protect the real perpetrators, and victimise innocent people.

This continues unabated, thereby obstructing any scope for resolving the crisis, escalating public concerns, and fostering a sense of insecurity and mistrust.”

According to independent assessments cited by TIB, at least 200 students and ordinary individuals, including children, teenagers, journalists, and other professionals, have been killed by law enforcement agencies.

The fatalities occurred due to the unlawful, random and indiscriminate abuse of power and the excessive and disproportionate use of lethal weapons by law enforcement agencies, as per credible evidences, it added.