TIB for time-bound roadmap


Staff Reporter :
Transparency International Bangladesh (TIB) has called upon the government to adopt a specific, time-bound roadmap aligned with Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s commitment to zero tolerance against corruption.

In a statement issued on Monday, TIB emphasized the importance of translating the Prime Minister’s recent declaration into concrete action.

The organization praised her firm stance against corruption, citing her recent action against a former household employee who allegedly accumulated substantial wealth improperly.

Referring to the Prime Minister’s words, TIB highlighted her assertion that corruption will not be tolerated under any circumstances.

The organization expressed concern over recent reports of high-level corruption, where individuals have reportedly abused their positions for personal gain.

Dr. Iftekharuzzaman, Executive Director of TIB, commended the Prime Minister’s resolve, stating, “Her declaration reflects a strong political will to combat the normalization of illicit wealth accumulation through abuse of power.”

During a press conference on July 14, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina disclosed measures taken against a former household employee accused of amassing Tk 400 crore.


Dr. Iftekharuzzaman stressed the significance of holding such individuals accountable, underscoring that failure to do so would undermine the government’s commitment to combat corruption.

“The Prime Minister’s announcement signifies a pivotal moment for governance and accountability,” Dr. Iftekharuzzaman added, urging swift and transparent investigation by the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) to uphold the integrity of the Prime Minister’s statement.

TIB reiterated its call for a structured approach to ensure accountability and transparency, urging the government to implement the Prime Minister’s zero-tolerance policy effectively.

TIB said that the Prime Minister has clearly emphasized the legal and political obligations to ensure exemplary accountability for anyone accused of corruption.

Similarly, in light of recent developments, it is imperative to effectively hold key figures in recent public concerns over reported instances of high-level corruption, including that of the former army chief, former police and RAB chief, and high-ranking officials from the National Board of Revenue, through efficient and conflict-free investigations,” it added.

“We urge the government to adopt a specific time-bound roadmap for the meaningful and effective implementation of the Prime Minister’s zero tolerance pledge and the ruling party’s election manifesto,” Iftekharuzzaman said.

“By so doing, the government can open the road to addressing growing public concerns about the enormous depths and breadths of corruption and impunity,” he continued.
