Kulaura Municipality announces Tk 69cr budget


Moulvibazar Correspondent :

Kulaura Municipality of Moulvibazar district has announced a budget of Tk 69 crore 71 lakh 62 thousand 500 for the fiscal year 2024-2025. On Wednesday, the budget was announced by the mayor of the municipality, Principal Sipar Uddin Ahmed, in the municipal auditorium.
In the announced budget, the total income in the revenue sector is 7 crore 33 lakh 24 thousand 320 taka 25 paisa, expenditure is 7 crore 10 lakh 62 One thousand five hundred taka the total income in the development sector is 62 crore 50 lakh, 61 thousand 820 taka 25 paisa and the expenditure is 62 crore 61 lakh.
The total income of the revenue and development sector is 69 crore 83 lakh 86 thousand 140 taka 50 paisa and the expenditure is estimated to be 69 crore 71 lakh 62 thousand 500 taka Budget surplus 12 lakh 23 thousand 640 taka 50 paisa in the pre-budget speech Mayor Principal Sipar Uddin Ahmed said, “New without any new taxes.”
The budget has been announced. A master plan will soon be adopted for the overall development of the municipality and to alleviate the suffering people are facing due to the current severe floods. Drains on both sides of the main road of the city, necessary drains will be constructed to remove waterlogging.
Municipal Secretary Sharadindu Roy, Panel Mayor Tanveer Ahmad Chowdhury Shawon, Assistant Engineer Kamrul Islam, Municipal Accounts Officer Mohammad Panir Hossain Mollah, Municipal Councillors, officials and employees were present during the budget presentation.