City dwellers face extreme sufferings


Staff Reporter :
A large part of the capital has come to a standstill since Monday afternoon for the second day in a row due to a road blockade by students against quotas in government jobs.

The agitators have taken positions on important roads, including Gulistan, Shahbagh, Farmgate, Science Lab, and others. No car can run in it.

Standing in one place for hours. People going home after work have suffered greatly. Other passengers also suffered endlessly.

On Monday afternoon, it was seen on the spot that the anti-quota agitation caused severe traffic jams on the roads around Gulistan as the agitated students occupied the zero point in Gulistan, the capital.

Traffic has come to a standstill on almost all roads in the capital.

The city’s inhabitants, especially regular passengers, have suffered massively.


On Monday (July 8), students of Jagannath University, Kabi Nazrul, and Suhrawardy College came to zero point in Gulistan with a procession and blocked the road.

They stayed there for about two and a half to three hours. As a result, all types of traffic stopped.

A passenger going from Mirpur to Sadarghat said, “I left at noon. Now it is 6:30 p.m., and I cannot reach Sadarghat. It is to be noted that thousands of students stood at Zero Point in protest against the restoration of quotas in first and second-class government jobs and a one-point demand for quota reform.”

Their demand is to abolish unreasonable and discriminatory quotas in all grades of government jobs, bring them to the minimum level based on fairness for the backward groups and those with special needs mentioned in the constitution, and reform the quota system by passing a law in parliament.

Their demand is to abolish unreasonable and discriminatory quotas in all grades of government jobs and bring them to the minimum level based on fairness for the backward groups and those with special needs mentioned in the constitution and reform the quota system by passing a law in the parliament.