Seminar on cancer cell culture and management at BARI


National Desk :

The Training and Communication Wing of Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI) has arranged a Seminar on Biopolymer from Crop Byproduct for Cancer Cell Culture and Climate Management at BARI Seminar Room on Sunday (19 May 2024).
Director (Training and Communication) Dr. Md.Tariqul Islam presided over the session. Professor of Biology & ND- ACES Researcher, Chair, Division of Science, Math & Agribusiness, Mayville State University, USA, Khwaja G Hossain, PhD presented keynote paper on Cancer Cell Culture at the seminar. At this time, BARI’s Director (Research) Dr. Md. Abdullah Yousuf Akhond and Senior Scientists from various center/division/section of BARI were present there also. Internal scientist’s physically and external scientists are on the Zoom platform participated in the seminar. Dr. Khwaja G Hossain said, Proper food habit can protest cancer germs.