End duties on protein sources to relieve people from brunt of inflation


FOOD inflation in Bangladesh has reached an alarming 15 per cent, surpassing official estimates and causing distress among low-income families heavily reliant on staple foods like poultry and fish.

This surge, driven in part by escalating prices of protein sources, poses a significant threat to the well-being of vulnerable populations.

A critical vulnerability in the food supply chain lies in the country’s dependence on imported feed and medicine for poultry and fish farming.

Fluctuations in global market prices directly impact production costs, exacerbating consumer prices and perpetuating the cycle of inflation.

Dr. Binayak Sen’s proposition to slash or eliminate duties on poultry and fish feed presents a viable solution.

By reducing production costs, this measure could make essential protein sources more accessible to marginalized communities, thereby mitigating the adverse effects of inflation.

Opponents may express concerns about potential revenue losses; however, Dr. Sen suggests that alternative revenue streams could offset these deficits.


This underscores the necessity of adopting a multifaceted approach to address inflation, moving beyond conventional measures like interest rate adjustments to tackle underlying causes.

The current state of food inflation in Bangladesh demands urgent intervention. Policy measures such as duty reductions on essential feed could offer relief to the worst-affected households, alleviating their financial strain and ensuring access to nutritious food.

Furthermore, a comprehensive strategy encompassing diverse initiatives is imperative to safeguard food security and alleviate the plight of low-income families.

By prioritizing the needs of the most vulnerable segments of society, the government can foster resilience in the face of economic challenges and promote inclusive growth.

In conclusion, the escalation of food inflation in Bangladesh warrants immediate action.

By implementing targeted policies to reduce production costs and enhance affordability, authorities can uphold their commitment to ensuring food security and improving the livelihoods of all citizens.

It is time to prioritise the well-being of the people and address the root causes of inflation for a more equitable and sustainable future.