Upazila Elections: Fulgazi: Harun new chair, Anil vice-chair


Feni correspondent  :
In the 6th Upazila Parishad election, Harun Majumdar was elected as the chairman from Fulgazi upazila getting 27,635 votes in the Cup Piritch symbol. His rival candidate Zafar Ullah Bhuiyan got 775 votes from the Shrimp Fish symbol.
However, Anil Banik won the post of Vice-Chairman by getting 11,089 votes out of 5 candidates. The woman vice-chairman was elected unopposed as there were no contesting candidates. Among the other candidates, lock symbol got 7265, glasses symbol 3891, tubewell symbol 3197 and airplane symbol 2688 votes. Feni Deputy Commissioner and Feni Superintendent of Police Zakir Hasan visited some important election centers. At this time Tanya Bhuiyar, Nirbahi Officer of Fulgazi Upazila was present.