Prices of essentials rise post-Eid


Staff Reporter :
In the aftermath of Eid-ul-Fitr, the prices of several essential goods such as onions, potatoes, eggs, garlic, and ginger have witnessed an increase, while the prices for edible oils have been revised.

However, the costs of meat and fish have remained stable, and staples like rice, lentils, flour, and sugar continue to command high prices.

Following a discussion with traders, the Commerce Ministry updated the prices for edible oils.

As a result, bottled soybean oil saw an increase of Tk 4 per liter, bringing it to Tk 167 per 1-liter bottle and Tk 818 for a 5-liter bottle.

Additionally, loose soybean oil prices rose by Tk 2 per liter to Tk 149. Palm oil prices were set at Tk 135 a liter.

Ahasanul Islam, the State Minister for Commerce, explained that this revision was due to the expiration of a value-added tax (VAT) reduction.

Market surveys in Malibagh, Rampura, and Karwan Bazar in the capital revealed that onion prices increased by Tk 5-10 per kg, while garlic prices rose by Tk 10-20 per kg.


The Hali variety of onions was selling for between Tk 60-70 per kg, and the local variety of garlic ranged from Tk 130-170 per kg.

Shafiqul Islam, a trader from Karwan Bazar, noted that not all kitchen markets have reopened post-Eid and that the supply remains low, contributing to the slight price increases.

Potato prices, already rising before Eid, escalated by an additional Tk 5 per kg to Tk 50-55. Imported ginger prices also saw an increase, selling at up to Tk 240 per kg, a Tk 10 increase from pre-Eid prices.

Al Amin, a potato trader from the Rampura market, mentioned, “The wholesale price of potatoes increased by Tk 5 per kg after Eid, prompting a similar rise in the retail price.”

Additionally, egg prices climbed by Tk 10 per dozen, with brown eggs selling for Tk 125-130 and white eggs for Tk 115-120 per dozen.

While prices for meat and fish remained largely unchanged, chicken prices increased by Tk 10 per kg in some areas, with broiler chickens selling for Tk 230-240 per kg and Sonali chickens for Tk 340-350 per kg. Beef continued to be sold at Tk 800 per kg.
