Md. Zillur Rahaman :
The holy month of Ramadan is well equipped with the combination of mercy, blessing and forgiveness and it is the best month for practice and piety.
In this month, the world of the believer is decorated with an abundance of good deeds.
There is a close link between Ramadan and piety. In the month of Ramadan, every fasting person must acquire the virtues of piety.
The purpose of fasting for one month of the year is not merely to fast, its main purpose is to acquire taqwa, to inculcate the fear of Allah in the heart, to abstain from all sins and to practice and follow all the deeds of Ramadan throughout the year.
Therefore, it is obligatory for Muslims to fast for a full month of Ramadan in order to achieve piety.
Almighty Allah says, “Ramadan is the month in which the Qur’an was sent down as guidance for mankind and clear signs of guidance and distinguishing between truth and falsehood (Surah Baqarah 185)”.
This word of Almighty Allah explains why Ramadan is more glorious, superior and important than other months.
The best prophet of prophets is our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), the best book among the heavenly books is the Holy Qur’an, and the best book on the best prophet was revealed in the month of Ramadan.
Therefore, Ramadan, the month in which the best book was revealed on the best Prophet, is also the best among other months.
For this reason, the month of Ramadan is undoubtedly better, more significant and blessed than other months.
Taqwa is an Arabic word. Its literal meaning is to fear, to defend, to survive, etc. And in the terminology of Islamic law, taqwa refers to fearing Allah and protecting oneself from all kinds of wrongdoing in order to avoid hell.
Taqwa is the strength of the believer’s soul that keeps him always in awe of Allah.
He is always afraid that even if he disobeys Allah’s order even in the smallest act of life, he will be held accountable on the Day of Resurrection and will suffer the severe punishment of Hell.
Therefore, the believer always controls all the activities of his life in the light of Allah’s law under the obligation of his soul.
Therefore, it can be said that Taqwa means bringing life into self-control. Propensity to sin is human nature. Angels do not have the ability to sin.
So they cannot do any wrongdoing even after they have a long life till the Day of Resurrection.
On the contrary, man has his nafs, which always attracts him to evil. And the banished Satan has come to the world with the intention of making people follow the path of disobedience to Almighty Allah.
So it is natural that people will sin. After committing a sin, people will repent; seek forgiveness from Almighty Allah for their sins. Almighty Allah will forgive all the sins of the servant; fill the place of sins in his deeds.
This is the real reason why humans are more dignified than angels. And the month of Ramadan comes once every year with a great opportunity to get rid of the sins of the believer.
The main goal of fasting during Ramadan is to achieve piety. It is said in the Qur’an, “O you who believe! Fasting has been enjoined upon you, as it was enjoined upon those before you, in the hope that through fasting you may attain taqwa (Surah Baqarah 183).
In the mentioned verse we witness the clear guidance of Allah on three important matters.
First of all, fasting during Ramadan is not an optional act of worship; rather it is obligatory on all Muslims.
Secondly, the rule of observing this fast was not imposed on us by accident, but it was obligatory on many ethnic groups in the past and thirdly, the main goal of fasting in Ramadan is that the servant will enrich himself by acquiring the qualities of piety.
The place of piety is the heart. It is clearly described in the Holy Quran and Hadith. Almighty Allah says, ‘And fears Allah. Indeed, Allah is well-aware of the heart’ (Surah al-Ma’ida 7).
The Prophet (PBUH) said, Muslim is the brother of Muslim; he does not oppress him and does not leave him unaccompanied and helpless. He does not lie to him or insult him. Taqwa is—here, he points to his chest (Muslim 2564).
The reward of worship in the month of Ramadan is much higher than in other months. Rasulullah (PBUH) said, ‘The person who performed Nafal worship in this month, it is as if he performed the obligatory farzs worship of another month.
And whoever observes one fard in this month, it is as if he performed 70 fards of another month.
In other words, the reward for performing an obligatory act of worship in other months is obtained only through Nafal in this month. And the reward of 70 fards of other months can be achieved by one fard of this month (Bayhaqi Shuabul Iman).
This holy month is undoubtedly superior to all other months with many unique blessed features including mercy, forgiveness, nazaat, fasting, Sahri, Iftar, Tarabih, Lailatul Qadr. Such a variety of piety; such an estuary of worship, such an example of restraint are not often seen in other months.
(Writer is a Banker and Columnist , Satish Sarker Road, Gandaria, Dhaka., [email protected], Cellphone 01716733714)