Book Review

Kabya Samagra
by Moniruddin Yusuf.
Edited by Belal Chowdhuri.
Published by Liaquatullah, Student Ways, Banglabazar, Dhaka. First edition : Ekushe Bookfair 2013, Falgun 1419. Cover : Qaiyyum Chowdhury. Compose : S. Ways Computer, Banglabazar, Dhaka. Printing : Moumita Printers, Pyari Das Road, Dhaka. Online distributor : Size DD 1/16. Pages : 320. Price : Tk. 400.00
An introductory editorial by eminent poet Belal Chowdhuri marks the beginning of the KABYA SAMAGRA of poet Moniruddin Yusuf. The editorial focuses on the poet, a masterly scholar on Persian, Urdu and English, a liberal humanistic thinker with modern approach presenting Islamic philosophy of equality and liberalism, a great figure of creativity in Ghazals and Rubaiyat in Bengali, a patriot giving guidelines to uplift the society and the nation to the goal of an enlightened dawn-Moniruddin Yusuf is distinguished in his literary contributions. His legendary translation of the great poet Ferdausi’s epic Shahnama and commentary of Maulana Jalal Uddin Rumi’s Masnawi was possible and successful because a poet and scholar like Moniruddin Yusuf dedicated his genuius to these great literary contributions. Translation of the volumes of Shahnama was his great acheivement for which he has been appreciated as ‘Banglar Ferdausi’ (Ferdausi in Bengali). He showed his mastery in the translation of the poems of Hafiz, Ghalib, Iqbal and Raghib. He could go deep into our heritage and culture to offer his best direction towards an enlightened nation.
Kabya Samagra by Moniruddin Yusuf includes Upayan (Page 1-50), Ratri noy Kolapi Mayur noy (P.51-94), Betosh Pata Joler Dhara (P.95-146), Ek Jhak Payra (p.147-180), Moniruddin Yusufer Ogronthito Kabita (P.180-236), Cholo Jai Chhorar Deshe (P.237-242)
Oprokashito Chhora (P. 243-248) Ogronthito Kabita (P.249-254) Oprokashito Gan (P. 255-266) Ogronthito Kobita Grouther sompadokia (P, 267-272) Moniruddin Yusuf : Prasongik Totthyaboli (P.273-300) Grontho Porichoy (P. 301-312), Gronthoponzi : The catalogue of the books of Moniruddin Yusuf (P.313-314). List of thirty two reference books (P.315) and Biographical sketch (P.317-320)
A great humanist and poe of mankind, poet Yusuf has enriched our literature with the spirit of humanism. He believed that Islamic code of life, if followed and prachised in its true perspective and way, will give the conflict- torn world economic emancipation, peace and prosperity.
The cover by eminent artist Qaiyyum Chowdhury is very much attractive.
We expect wide circulation of the book Kabya Samagra by Moniruddin Yusuf.

-Reviewed by Abdul Muqit Chowdhury
