How to stop being lazy

Md Altaf Hussain :
Although laziness is common and a natural part of life, it has the potential to completely consume us.
To stop being so lazy and get what really matters done by working smarter.
When you feel that you’ve perhaps been too lazy lately it’s common and tempting to beat yourself up about it and to hope that will lead you to start taking action.
Find your passion for the work
You started doing what you do for a reason, but sometimes, even the tasks we love the most can become dreary and mundane. When this happens, remind yourself why you started doing it in the first place. You must have had a passion for it at some point, or you wouldn’t be bothering with it. Remind yourself of the good points of the work, not just the parts that suck.
Make a schedule
It can be everything from having every single waking minute meticulously planned to rough guidelines that will still give you a lot of leeway’s; as long as it makes you finish all your tasks (put some fun in there too!), feel free to go a bit crazy!
Need for relaxation
Many people erroneously assume that they should always be going full steam, and chastise themselves for being ‘lazy’ when their body and mind shut down in protest. Our culture puts a premium on productivity and hard work. The reality is that everyone needs time to relax and regenerate.
Get good habits
With some awesome habits, you’ll need less of the prescribed scheduling just mentioned. Why? Because awesome habits are pretty much second nature, meaning that you won’t have to write them down or remember to do them! Habits are pretty much a schedule on autopilot.
Force yourself
Sometimes there’s just no getting around it. All the good advice and wishes in the world won’t make the job look any better. In these cases, you need to remember you’re an intelligent, mature member of Homo sapiens, and get off your butt. While it may not be fun at the time, you can look back on the task you did later and say, “Yeah. I did that.” You shouldn’t have to force yourself out of bed every morning (this is a warning sign of depression that you should NOT ignore), but every once in a while, we need to force ourselves to do something we just don’t want to do. Believe it or not, you’ll be proud of yourself once the task is done.
Find out the root cause
Are you burned out from working 27 hours a day, 9 days a week since before you can remember? This is a signal that you need a rest or a change. Human beings are not meant to work all the time. Our Paleolithic ancestors worked, on average, about 20 hours a week. (Yeah, we members of modern society are getting hosed.) Maybe you feel overwhelmed, are afraid to fail at the task, or you just don’t want to do the task; these are discrete problems with separate solutions.
Finding out the root cause of your laziness can help you make the changes you need to make to be a more effective and energetic person.
Ask for help or support
Sometimes, we just need a little extra backup. There’s nothing wrong with asking for help from a more motivated coworker, friend, or family member. This is a useful way to get you up and moving, because they will motivate you to do the task. At the same time, you may be doing them a favor by motivating them to work harder. A little friendly competition never hurt anyone!
Be kind to yourself
Think about how you talk to yourself. If you had a friend who talked to you like you talked to yourself, would you still be friends with that person? At the end of the day, you need to be your own biggest cheerleader and advocate.
That’s why you should stop the negative self-talk like telling yourself that you’re lazy or worthless. If you spend a lot of time thinking like this, you will escalate the problem and make yourself more prone to anxiety and depression. Instead, try an inner dialogue where you present yourself in a positive light and are supportive of your own efforts. Doing this can change your outlook and motivate you.