Chewing gum for weight loss? What is the truth?

Weekend Plus Desk :
We all have memories of eating our favourite chewing gum. We were also often told that swallowing it can be dangerous and thus were told to be really careful. Here we explore what happens when you swallow chewing gum.
Did you know that your nostalgic chewing gum can also help you lose weight? Yes, you read that right.
Chewing gum for weight loss
Several studies have shown that chewing gum can help control cravings, stop you from overeating, manage hunger and thus help in shedding those extra kilos. Are you also wondering how chewing gum can help you with this miracle? We tell you:
The study
Many studies have shown that chewing can help you burn calories. Research conducted by the University of Rhode Island found that people who chewed gum every day consumed 68 fewer calories and did not binge later. Not just this, people who ate chewing gum burned 5 per cent more calories than those who did not.
Another study conducted by the Louisiana State University found that chewing gum was helpful in controlling appetite and thus decreased the participant’s daily calorie intake to 40 lesser calories.
 When to have a chewing gum for weight loss?
Chew gum when you have the urge to snack just because you are free.
Chew one right after your meal to prevent mindless munching thereafter.
Always keep a strip in your bag, which can help you resist temptation when you are outside.
Also, put one in your mouth while cooking so that you don’t keep nibbling.
So, because every drop counts, 50 calories in a day counts.
But keep in mind, this won’t help you lose weight significantly unless you eat healthy and exercise regularly. Making small lifestyle changes like taking the stairs instead of the lift, walking your dog, cooking by yourself and cleaning the mess after than can help a great deal in the long run.
Do not overdo it. Excess of anything is bad and same goes for gum. Also, try and opt for sugar-free gum as it is low in calories as compared to the normal gum. Chewing gum can lead to swallowing air, which can cause bloating. Do not take more than five-six pieces in a day.