Group painting exhibition, Joloj 4 (Aquatic 4) – ‘Street of Dhaka’

Sheikh Arif Bulbon :
Joloj is an endeavour by artists Al-Akhir Sarker, Biplob Chakr oborty, Golam Moshiur Rahman Choudhury, Md Azmal Uddin, Sadek Ahmed and Shaymal Biswas. Alliance Française de Dhaka (AFD) organizes a group painting exhibition titled Joloj 4 (Aquatic 4) – ‘Street of Dhaka’ at its La Galerie in the capital’s Dhanmondi area. The inaugural ceremony of the exhibition is scheduled to be held on November 9.
The fourth edition of Joloj is all about ‘Street of Dhaka.’
Al-Akhir Sarker has honed a style of his own where his canvasses sometimes illustrate motion with dappled speckles that may have stemmed from moving drops of rain or dew or maybe even from wind particles. When his canvas does not exhibit these motional dots, the observer is then presented with the fact that the subjects in the painting are sedentary as if for them all the machinations of the world have come to a standstill – such as in a traffic jam in Dhaka.
The streets of Dhaka also prevail in Biplob Chakroborty’s paintings. A rickshaw without its puller or a bustling street – Chakroborty’s characteristic use of shade and darkness stands out.
Golam Moshiur Rahman Choudhury’s paintings depict rickshaws and vehicles of Dhaka awash in rain as well as in a distinct ‘megalopolitan’ luminescence, with spirited colours and shadows.
Md Azmal Uddin focuses on a very special and representative element of the streets in Dhaka – the crows. The raucous calls of the black birds are somewhat audible from the blue-tinged canvasses of Uddin. Any street of Dhaka is incomplete without its crows.
Rickshaws, people or pedestrians and streets of Dhaka come into the paintings by Sadek Ahmed, albeit a bit dramatically in contrast to his fellow participants. Ahmed also inscribes letterforms in the secondary spaces to perhaps guide his observers by employing artful vignettes. Shaymal Biswas’ lens goes closer to his subjects as if zooming in to understand a profound angle. You find a part of the street and an intimate one at that.
The exhibition will continue till November 24. n