Concert of German-Swiss band RAGGABUND in Dhaka

Sheikh Arif Bulbon :
For over a decade, the two brothers Don Caramelo and Paco Mendoza have been inspiring their fans with a mix of offbeat, dancehall, cumbia muffin and niceness. No matter, if in San Francisco, Hanoi, Rio de Janeiro or Zurich – their crew as a sound system or full band always guarantees shows full of energy!
The band shows a beautiful combination of their music with everyday topics, political messages and especially a positive approach to life in their songs. Their particular style with different rhythms is wowing people all over the globe while touring extensively through Central- and South America (2008/2013/2015), Southeast Asia (2017), South Asia (2017/2018) and of course Europe.
The ‘Schools: Partners for the Future’ (PASCH) initiative was launched in February 2008 by Germany’s Federal Foreign Office.
The Goethe-Institut supports around 600 PASCH schools in the national education systems of over 100 countries. The initiative is designed to arouse and sustain young people’s interest in and enthusiasm for modern-day Germany, German society and the German language. A global network of partner schools of the Federal Republic of Germany is being created; the schools become part of an international community of learners through shared activities and exchange.
On the other hand, in Bangladesh, the PASCH network consists of five partner schools, namely Oxford International School, European Standard School, South Point School and College, Maple leaf International School and Chittagong Mastermind International School. In the school year 2017/2018, 1,278 students learned German as a foreign language in different levels. Learning German has increasingly become more popular; in comparison, only 770 students studied German in the five PASCH schools in 2015.
The PASCH-initiative in Bangladesh was started by the Goethe-Institut Bangladesh with a programme to train teachers in both the necessary language skills as well as teaching skills for interactive modern language teaching.
Now 26 teachers are providing quality education in German language while Goethe-Institut provides continuous support in teachers’ training. Furthermore, students of German language in the five PASCH schools receive many opportunities to visit the Goethe-Institut for example for film screenings and theater plays as well as to participate in youth camps in South Asia and Germany.
Goethe-Institut Bangladesh and its five partner schools, Oxford International School, European Standard School, South Point School and College, Maple leaf International School and Chittagong Mastermind International School, celebrated 10 years of ‘Schools: Partner for the Future’ (PASCH initiative) with a concert of German-Swiss raga and dancehall band RAGGABUND. The four-member band RAGGABUND rocked the audience at the National Theater Hall, Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy.
 Inaugurating the event, Dr Kirsten Hackenbroch, Director of the Goethe-Institut Bangladesh, said, “Over the past 10 years, German as a foreign language became increasingly popular in Bangladesh. The PASCH partner schools, with their commitment to train teachers and hold interactive foreign language classes, are setting a crucial basis for this. For the future, we look forward to engaging with the alumni, to intensify our global networking, and to support those who are eager to conduct higher studies in Germany. In the name of Goethe-Institut Bangladesh, I would today like to thank all who made the PASCH network in the last years a vibrant space for intercultural exchange!”
The Deputy Head of Mission of the German Embassy, Michael Schultheiß, underlined that learning another language opens new perspectives and allows insights into another culture and way of thinking. By learning German the students in Bangladesh not only improve their language skills, but also become ambassadors for the close bilateral relations between Germany and Bangladesh.
During the event, four students were announced as winners of a video competition producing music videos for songs of RAGGABUND. The first price, participation in a PASCH Youth Camp in Sri Lanka, went to Samiul Gani Daihan and Mehedi Khan Mojish (Oxford International School), the second price went to Shohaib Hossain and Sakiyun Noor (South Point School and College).
Band profile of RAGGABUND: Pacho Mendoza (vocal and acoustic), Don Caramelo (vocal and beatbox), Da luca: (guitar and vocal) and Mikey board (keyboard). It is noted that the Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan again presented the German band RAGGABUND in Kathmandu, in Dhaka and in various cities in India from August 27 to September 10.