Prof Nakib new VC of PUST


Campus Report :
Prof Dr Al-Nakib Chowdhury has been appointed as the new Vice-Chancellor of Pabna University of Science and Technology (PUST). He was the former professor of the Department of Chemistry of Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET).
The final appointment was confirmed by the Chancellor of the university, Advocate Abdul Hamid on December 31, 2013 for next four years. He joined to his work on Thursday.
Prof Dr Nakib has joined the university as the third Vice-Chancellor. He joined the university as a replacement of the former Vice-Chancellor, Prof Dr Mozaffar Hossain. Prof Dr Mozaffar Hossain has completed his full four year of employment on last November 2013. Then he joined at his own Department at Rajshahi University (RU).
PUST was running without VC for almost 1.5 months.