Presentation of Franco-German Jute Project

Sheikh Arif Bulbon :
Sophie Aubert, The French Ambassador to Bangladesh and
Dr Thomas Prinz, the German Ambassador to Bangladesh
co-hosted the ‘Presentation of a Franco-German Jute Project’
organised jointly by Alliance Française de Dhaka and
Goethe-Institut Bangladesh at the new Franco-German embassy premises on July 10. Asaduzzaman Noor, MP, Minister of Cultural Affairs, Government of Bangladesh graced the occasion as chief guest.
The Franco-German cultural
project: ‘Jute and Composite, Tradition and Innovation’ was design jointly by Alliance Française de Dhaka and Goethe-Institut Bangladesh in order to develop innovative solutions to support new way of using historically significant jute fibre in Bangladesh.
With the support of Bangladesh- based NGO JuteLab, a design
competition was opened to call for creative furniture designs made of jute. The project started in July 2016, offering students of
architecture or fine arts, young artists and architects to submit a design proposal for a piece
of furniture implementing the
innovative jute composite resin transfer moulding process
developed by Jute Lab (Gold of Bengal) in Atroshi.
Eight finalists were selected and winners were invited for a
one-week training under the guidance of French professional designer Antoine Gripay, design manager and founder of studio Katra. Two teams were formed to work together on two different
projects, from design
development to prototype
production. By using jute fibre composite and taking inspiration from Bangladeshi culture,
they developed an armchair and side tables. The prototypes will be presented during the session. n